Clean, efficient and secure protection from the elements for the male plug of your trailer’s wiring harness, while the trailer is not in use.
Mount Plug-Guard™ to the hitch frame or to the 5th wheel box of the trailer and simply pull back the spring loaded hinged cover on the female opening of Plug-Guard™ and insert the male plug. There is no electrical connection.
7-Way Plug-Guard™
Insert the male plug from your trailer’s wiring harness when the trailer is not in use.
The 6-Way mounts and operates the same as our 7-Way Plug-Guard™. All Plug-Guard™ products have a Lifetime Warranty and are made in the USA.
6-Way Plug-Guard™
Mount near the Plug-Guard™ hitch of the trailer.
Simply pull back the spring loaded hinged cover on the female opening of Plug-Guard™, insert the male plug and let the cover snap shut holding the plug in place.
There is no electrical connection all Plug-Guard™ products have a Lifetime Warranty and are made in the USA.
4 & 5-Way Plug-Guard™
Note: Plug-Guard’s color is black, colors used here are for illustration purposes only.
Proudly Made In The USA • Patented Product • All Rights Reserved © Plug-Guard™